About Us

Elita Group is a leading assistive technology company now based in Istanbul (Türkiye). Since 2006, we've helped those who are blind or have low vision to achieve their personal and professional goals. Our mission is to develop and promote AT solutions enabling people who are blind or have low vision to maintain their independence in education and workplace which will allow them to reveal their potential and expand the boundaries of possibilities.
Today we are:

- Developers of hardware and software solutions for users who are blind, deaf-blind or have low vision. In 2017 our products joined the global market.
- Distributors for world leading assistive technology companies. We can offer a single solution as well as task-oriented bundles.
- Creators of educational e-learning projects. We not only develop and sell assistive technologies but teach people how to use them.
- Providers of employment opportunities for people with Visual impairments.

We have blind programmers, localizers and tech support personnel at Elita Group. We know the needs of our customers. About 50% of our staff members have visual impairments. So, we use our solutions on a daily basis.
Our products are designed by users for users and it determines its success and popularity.

Our Products


Slide show

Currently it is animated. To read with a screen reader press

ElBraille-W40J G2 - portable device with braille input/output and speech

ElBraille is a portable device designed for users who are blind or deaf-blind and want to stay connected at school, at workplace or home as well as on the go. A user can utilize braille and/or speech for output and braille for input. The device supports Windows 10 functionality, including third-party applications accessible with screen reading software. ElBraille has specially designed software installed on it as well.


  • ElBraille notetaker powered by Windows 10 and JAWS for Windows consists of a Braille display and a Dock station.
  • Braille display: 40 refreshable Braille cells, 8-dot Braille keyboard.
  • Seamless design providing paper-like feel.
  • Intel processors family.
  • The Braille display can be disconnected and used separately.

ElPicsPrint — the software for embossing tactile graphics on Braille embossers

ElPicsPrint software is specifically designed to prepare and emboss tactile images on Braille embossers manufactured by Index Braille, ViewPlus, and Enabling Technologies. The app also allows to create tactile images for printing on microcapsule paper, taking into account its characteristics, and using the heaters, such as Swell Form and PIAF. A tactile image is a source of information about the object drawn on the image for those who explore it with fingertips, just like a usual image in full color is such a source for a sighted user. With ElPicsPrint you will be able to prepare and emboss an image that will be clear and comfortable for using by blind customers. ElPicsPrint allows you to make a tactile illustration to any section of a textbook, to create your own illustrated books for kids of preschool and school age, to emboss an outline of a university campus and much more.

ElNotes - the software for creating, storing and managing text and voice notes on ElBraille notetakers and on PCs running Microsoft Windows

ElNotes allows a user to quickly create text and voice notes using a set of special keystrokes and then export them to txt or mp3 files respectively, if needed. These files are saved to a chosen folder and then are available to be read and listened to using other ElBraille applications as well as some different devices. All functions of the app are accessible through intuitive keyboard commands without the need to use a mouse. All interface elements are voiced and displayed in Braille when using a screen reader, and are also displayed visually for sighted users and for screen magnifier users.